At Common Sense™ Products (CSP), we believe in working to heal the body as a whole. A little-known fact is that our body produces new blood every 90 days, new organs every 11 months, and new bones every 2 years. Herbs cleanse, detoxify, and rebuild our entire body.
With proper nourishment, your organs can properly replenish themselves to support your body as they should. That is why it is so important that we build and strengthen our bodies with the best nutrients!
Always keep in mind that our body is made up of roughly 70% water. Our body cannot function without water. We need plenty of water to keep our organs hydrated. The combination of herbs with water is very powerful and effective.
At Common Sense™ Products (CSP), we have something to fit every health need. Our unique formulas are skillfully combined with the right herbs to maximize potency and ensure safety.

- Take herbs half an hour before a meal or an hour or more after a meal.
- Don’t forget to drink at least 12-ounces of water with your herbs to put moisture back into them. Otherwise, taken dry, they will not activate properly.
- Since herbs are safe and natural, feel free to adjust your serving as necessary to match your unique body chemistry. After a few months of taking our herbs, you may find that at times you will need to either cut the suggested serving size in half or double it up as needed to maintain or reach certain health goals. Some find it easier to take herbs at different times of the day or all at once. Always listen to your body, but if you need guidance at any point, we are happy to help!
- Milk-Free Probiotics (friendly bacteria) and bran are good additions to any diet to encourage good bowel movements.
- AVOID CONSTIPATING and MUCOUS FORMING FOODS such as WHITE FLOUR, SUGAR, CHEESE, COW’S MILK, DONUTS, PASTRIES, RED MEAT, FRIED FOODS, ETC. These foods only slow down the cleansing process and defeat the purpose of taking herbs.
- Try to drink half your body weight or more, in ounces of water daily. For example: If you weigh 150 pounds, half of that is 75 pounds, so you will have to drink at least 75 ounces of water daily. JUICE, MILK, SODAS, AND ALCOHOL, ARE NOT AN ACCEPTABLE MEANS OF WATER.
- You may rest one day of every week from taking herbs. If you do, it should be the same day each week.
Trust the Process
Herbs have no known side effects, but the transition to using herbs regularly is a powerful shift in your body that will have noticeable effects. Take joy in these changes, because the only lasting effects are health, healing, & vitality!
- Herbs are cleansers therefore, expect to eliminate more often than you are accustomed to. It is a necessary part of the cleansing process.
- Watery diarrhea can mean that you are taking too many herbs at once or that you are not taking enough. Call us for guidance on this matter, we are here to help.
- Nausea may be an indication that the herbs are cleansing the stomach area. Nausea should soon disappear as soon as you eat something healthy like a piece of dark toast.
- Cramping in the intestinal area may be an indication that impactions are being loosened off the walls of the intestines and colon. It also means that your colon is beginning to make the peristalsis movement (the movement the colon makes to eliminate waste). The cramping should cease as these impurities are released from the body a little at a time.
- Some people experience hunger the first couple of weeks, this will subside as the toxins leave the body.
- Part of your respiratory system is located in the head. A runny nose means your body is expelling mucous from the head and sinus area. This is a good sign and it will cease in just a short amount of time. You will then notice a sense of well-being in the head and lung area.

Every animal goes to nature when it gets sick because nature provides the raw materials for cleansing, repairing, and building. Herbs work on cures, not symptoms. (EZ: 47:12)

Herbs in their organic form are the oldest form of medicine known to man. They are nature’s miracle.