Common Sense™ “Lavender Magic Cream” contains Pure Essential Oil of Lavender which has a calming and cooling effect. Its uses are for healing skin irritations without scarring, such as: burns, insect stings, cuts and bites. It is also an antiseptic, anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-depressant and is great for the immune system and circulation. Common Sense™ “Lavender Magic Cream” is excellent for minor sore muscles, sprains, strains, bruises, dry/cracked skin, chapped lips, minor skin irritations, moisturizer and/or night cream, after shave moisturizer, make-up remover and massage cream. You can even use it as an after sun/ski moisturizer. Rub a little on your temples for migraine headaches to soothe the pain. Babies love it! Soothes diaper rash and sore nipples.
Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Comfrey Extract (using organic comfrey leaves and roots), Natural Beeswax, Pure Essential Oils of Lavender and Natural Vitamin E.